Religiosity & Scrupulosity

Our lab has been working on new clinical tools to better understand and measure extreme worries and fears around morality, right, and wrong.

Racism & OCD

OCD can cause constant fear of being a racist.

In the face of months of anti-racism protests nationwide, there has been a rise in people suffering from obsessive-compulsive thoughts surrounding racism and racist behavior. There does exist some scientific literature linking racist experiences to an increase in OCD symptoms in general. However, there are few, if any, authoritative accounts of OCD causing unwanted thoughts about being racist. Learn more about this perplexing form of OCD.

OCD Research

A diverse groups of professionals sitting at a table

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a debilitating psychological disorder defined by the presence of persistent, intrusive obsessions, and compulsions enacted to reduce distress. It has been considered a leading cause of disability worldwide. Learn more about OCD at OCD Types.