Primary Faculty

Monnica Williams, PhD
DirectorDr. Williams is a full professor in the School of Psychology and Canada Research Chair in Mental Health Disparities.
Affiliated Faculty

Sonya Faber, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorSonya is a neuroscientist and pharmaceutical researcher in Germany.

Joseph La Torre, PhD
Part-Time ProfessorJoe is an experimental psychology researcher at the University of Washignton in Seattle.
Graduate Students

Sophia Gran-Ruaz
Graduate StudentSophia is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology.

Myriah MacIntyre
Graduate StudentMyriah is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology.

Arghavan Nepton, MA
Graduate StudentArghavan is a doctoral student in Neuroscience.

Tahlia Harrison, MA
Graduate StudentTahlia is a doctoral student in Experimental Psychology.

Manzar Zare, MA
Graduate StudentManzar is a doctoral student in Experimental Psychology.

Amy Bartlett, LLM
Graduate StudentAmy is a doctoral student in Classics and Religious Studies.

Annwesha Dasgupta, MSc
Graduate StudentAnnwesha is a doctoral student in Experimental Psychology.

Lucia Rios Maia da Silva, MA
Graduate StudentLucia is a doctoral student in Experimental Psychology.

Cheiyenne Fontanilla
Graduate StudentCheiy is a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology.

Sheldomar Elliott
Graduate StudentSheldomar is a masters student in Psychedelics & Consciousness Studies.

Kate Caldwell, MA
Therapist InternKate is the lead therapist for a MITACS-funded study of ketamine-assisted therapy for MDD.

Favour Olaoluwa
Analyst InternFavour is the data analyst for a MITACS-funded study of ketamine-assisted therapy for MDD.

Raymond Feng, MA
ResearcherRaymond, who graduated from Boston University, is a therapist and a former honor's thesis student.

Kellen Saxburg
ResearcherKellen is a former honor's thesis student.

Muna Osman, PhD
Lab ManagerMuna is a post doctoral graduate at Carleton University who provides methodological guidance and statistical support for lab projects.

Hesam Farahani
Director's AssistantHesam is the lab administrator and special assistant to Dr. Williams.