
Myriah MacIntyre
$5,000 Student Award
"The leadership team was highly impressed by your dedication, innovation, and the potential impact of your work." - Interdisciplinary Centre for Black Health.

Amy Bartlett
$30,000 SSHRC Fellowship Award
Making Meaning Together: Understanding the Role of Community in Psychedelic Integration.

Annwesha Dasgupta
$10,000 ICBH Fellowship Award
I am pleased to inform you that we have selected the winning proposal for the Startup Fund call, Addressing Health Disparities in Black Communities.

Manzar Zare
Journal Article Accepted
Congratulations! Muslim women and psychedelics: A look at the past, present, and future is now published in the 2024 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Monnica Williams
$121,247 CFI JELF Award
Congratulations! Our records show that your Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) JELF project (Laboratory for Psychedelic Clinical Research) is now operational.

Joseph La Torre
Journal Article Accepted
I am pleased to inform you that your work has now been ACCEPTED for publication in the Journal of Psychedelic Studies.

Sonya Faber
Guest Editor Invitation
We would very much like to have you on board as one of the Guest Editors for the Psychedelics Collection of Nature Scientific Reports.

Monnica Williams
Journal Article Accepted
I am pleased to tell you that your work has now been accepted for publication in Traumatology.